Author of two professional best-sellers, Mary Anne Graf is a national expert on leveraging multigenerational teams in the workforce and in life, and on generational and gender issues in marketing and communications. Her generations presentations are tailored to specific audiences and needs, normalizing today's chaos--critical for the next, predictable (and exciting) phase. With non-profit, for profit, governmental and NGO personal clients in 48 states and 10 countries, she adapts quickly to different cultures and environment. She assists clients to normalize chaos and create excitement while balancing the skills and life experience each individual brings to work and life--something that couldn't be more important, with five generations in the workforce for the first time in history and seven generations in many families.
We don't just prescribe. We've lived it: winning strategies and program innovation to reach today's customers, decision-makers and employees.
HCI is the home of Mary Anne L. Graf, speaker, author, consultant, and innovator. |